Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Still Pregnant!

40 weeks and the bun's still in the oven. I went in to the doctor today and I'm still dialated at a 2+, as I was two weeks ago. He also said my cervix is about the same (50% effaced), but he wanted to be nice so he said, "Let's say it's about 70%."
Isn't that sweet?
So, next doctor appt. is Tuesday, unless anything happens before that...
Jace is really bummed because he really wants us to be on the news for first baby in 2009, plus he just can't wait to meet his cute little sister!
If it were up to me, although I love the idea of being on the news, I would prefer to have her birthday be further away from the holidays, so she can have her own day. I tried to explain this to Jace.
"How would you like to have your birthday on a holiday?"
"Oh, yeah."
Jace loves his July 4th birthday. Come to think of it, Lance's birthday is on Labor day this year. I guess we'll have to wait and see if she's into holiday birthdays, too :)


  1. Hang in there! At least you sort of knew not to expect her early because you haven't gone into labor with a baby yet. Thanks for keeping us posted! I can't wait to hear!

  2. Being overdue is no fun, I'm sorry! She's just so cozy, she's in no rush :)

  3. I am with you on the birthday away from the holiday's. But it is not fun being overdue. She will be here sooner than you think! Hang in there!

  4. Babies are so funny - you never can predict when they will make their grand entrance to the world. Maybe she will follow tradition and be born on a holiday. We hope everything goes well.

  5. Sometimes a little suspense is good, except when you are overdue. Maybe being up late and partying will kick things into gear tonight!

  6. Good luck with everything! I'm excited to hear when she comes!


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