Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good Choices Treat

For the last couple of weeks, Lance has been working on filling up his "Good Choices Chart" with stickers each time he makes a good choice by sharing, not throwing a fit (at the regular times, like after lunch, when he's really needing that nap!), or any other time he makes a good choice.

So today, we decided that Lance's chart was pretty full, and it was time to go out for a treat. Jace and Kyle went to play at a friend's house, and Lance and I headed out to get a Slurpee.

Here we are on our date. Lance picked "the red one" (Cherry) and I enjoyed Pina Colada.

Then we headed out to the grocery store to get a balloon (okay, and a few other things!) Lucky for Lance, he got the red truck with a red balloon to match his Slurpee.

Look at this proud kid. Way to go, Lance!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Funny Boys

I love when kids start to get creative with what they say in their prayers. The other night, Lance was saying our dinner prayer and said, "Please bless the milk that it will stay cold for this many minutes." (I peeked to see his arms still folded, but his hands stretched out to show all his fingers).

Today, Jared called my cell phone and Jace answered. "Hello? Who is this?" In a matter of fact tone.
"Uh, Jared."
"Oh! Hi! This is the KitchenAid Market."
"Did I get the wrong number?"Jace couldn't hold his laughter at this point. "No, just joking. This is Jace. Ha! Ha!"

Jared was had by Jace. He told me that he was really thinking he had the wrong number, even though he used his speed dial on his phone. Jace is good.

On the subject of pink...

So, about that color, pink... I cannot stop thinking about it! These last two mornings have been so fun to wake up and remember again that we're having a girl. It still feels funny to say that. When Jared said our prayers that first night after we found out, he said, "Please bless our daughter..." It was so new to me! After the prayer, Jared was all smiles. Did I mention that Jared is really excited, too?
This morning, I woke up when Jared's alarm went off, 5am, and I usually have NO trouble going back to sleep, but I was just so dang excited that I couldn't! I'm surprising myself with how much fun this is already. Yesterday I went to my friend's blog (thanks Angie!) and found 4 different blogs about how to do girl's hair cute. I have already decided that I will let her have the say as to when she wants to get her ears pierced. (I got mine pierced when I was about 23 yrs. old)

Jace loves talking about, and to, his little sister. Yesterday he asked me, "Can I have the baby's cell phone number?"

"Why would you need that?"

"So I can talk to her while she's in your tummy."

He has also offered some great advice.
"Mom, don't worry about the new little boy swimsuit. It can be for the next baby, if it's a boy."

So, more babies or not, here is a profile view of our soon-to-be-daughter :) I think she has a cute nose.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

IT"S A....


Me: "Are you sure?"
Jared: "That's what I thought I saw earlier!"
Jace: (Jared looked over and saw him with his hands on his face, elbows up, and a huge smile)" Oh, yay! If it was a boy, I was going to say, 'oh'..."

Jace is so excited, as are Jared and I. Today during the ultrasound, Jared actually thought he caught a glimpse of "girl" earlier, before the tech told us, and he tried to catch my eye, but I was clueless.

At home, when I told Lance we are having a girl and she would be his sister, he wrinkled up his nose and said, "Oh my Cow!" (Is he from Utah or what?)

I guess we'd better start thinking pink...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fire, Water, and Ice Festival

Three Words For Three Boys:
The FIRE men hangin' with a sleepin' dude, I mean, Dad.

We get, not one, but THREE faces from these WATER boys

Finally, just 2 little ICEskaters and a mom left. Kyle gave up and slept in the stroller with his Dad. We were still in our swimsuits and a little damp. It was COLD in the Oval, and I didn't think these kids would last longer than 5, maybe 10 minutes on the ice. They couldn't get enough of it! An hour and a half later, much to their dismay, Jared and I had to tell them it was time to go. They were so sad. I couldn't believe Jace wanted to keep going despite the TWO blisters he got, and Lance was SO brave this year! He wouldn't dare get on the ice last year, and this year he loved it! I'm so glad these guys are beginning to enjoy the things that I love to do! (Move over, fishing, hunting, and shootin'!)

All New Feature