Monday, October 11, 2010

Kyle is FOUR!!!

Make a Wish! 
Kyle was his Daddy's FIRST and Mommy's FOURTH delivery


Kyle is such a huggable, loveable, silly little tiger!  This is a typical "Kyle" look, taken the day he began riding his bike without training wheels.

Kyle's support group waits with him at the hospital, on his birthday, after breaking his collarbone 2 days earlier after a fall from a LaZ Boy recliner onto hardwood floor.  The children's hospital here was awesome, and not only spoiled him on his birthday, but showered his sibs with gifts as well.  FYI- the break wasn't a bad one, the bone is still alligned, and is healing perfectly, according to the 2nd Xray taken on his birthday.
Video taken on his birthday, for the grandparents, just reassurance that Kyle is okay :) and bounced right back to riding the scooter and throwing a fit about the other scooter in his way on the sidewalk that he would like to have removed.

Happy Birthday, Kyle!  We are so grateful to have YOU and all the smiles and laughter that come with!

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