This morning, I hadn't a clue what a fun day it would turn out to be. We did our regular morning chores, with the regular morning moans and groans about it. Then we headed off for swimming lessons for Jace and Lance. Yesterday was their first day, and they loved it. I wanted to get Kyle enrolled in the preschool class, but they wouldn't let me because he is not 3 yrs. old yet (Just 2 months shy!). They informed me of a "Mommy and Me" class that I could do, but I couldn't imagine how that would be possible with an infant in tow. So yesterday when we showed up, Kyle played in the water during his brother's swimming lessons. I sat close by with Cami, still in her carseat. Kyle was having a blast. Toward the end of the lesson, a man came over and asked me if Kyle was in a swimming lesson. Busted. I told him that I wanted to put him in the preschool class and all that. I don't mind paying to have him in a class. Long story short, the nice man said it would be alright for Kyle to join the preschool class the following day. So today, when he went to inform the preschool swim coach, she would have nothing to do with it, even though there were only 2 kids there, out of the four enrolled, and she had another teacher helping her! I felt so bad for Kyle. He didn't even throw a fit. He was just sad. Sweet Kyle. So by the end of that swim lesson, we ran home, I changed into my swimsuit, grabbed a few other necessities, and headed back to the pool for their Open Swim. The kids were ecstatic. Look at this face:Prepare to Dive: Kyle did this every time he jumped in the water, like he is saluting the judges or ensuring good form for his dive. It was the cutest.
Laying out on the water or Superman?
So worth it.
Walking on water?Or flying?
I have to catch Jace mid sentence to get a picture of him. He's dealt with a camera happy mom for NINE years!
I'm so grateful for happy babies! :)Watching the pigeons eat and hoping they will come closer
And why wouldn't they? It IS a fantastic day after all!
Ah! I forgot how much I love being in the water! (Cami took a good nap in her carseat so I could play with the boys) I asked them if they would go for sitting by the diving boards and watching me, but it didn't work :) Someday...