The first morning I awoke here, I felt like a queen in my castle. Euphoric. There are tons of windows and light in here. I spread my arms and walked from one end of the house to the other without my fingertips touching any walls. I feel so blessed.
Here are a few clips of our house. I took these the day we moved in, as I was seeing the house for the first time. Please forgive my bad video - ing skills. I was so excited. The kids and I love this house! Jared did an awesome job finding it. Our realtor also rocks. If anyone is moving to MO, I highly recommend Greg Erker. He takes all the time in the world to talk to you and answer your questions.
I'll be posting more pics as we go, but for now, I have been having a blast trying to figure out what to do with all this space! There is also a basement behind the door that Jace was trying to unlock that is the same size as our house, minus the kitchen and garage.
More pics coming!