Sunday, June 05, 2011

Casey and Becca's Visit

Jared finishing the bathroom just in time for them!  (at least part of it :)
Kyle and Casey
Maybe there should be music to escort the new toilet through the living room on a skateboard.
We went to Jace's violin concert soon after Casey and Becca arrived.
Brothers catchin' up in the backyard while Jared grills some steaks.
Grant's Farm
Kyle and Cami fascinated with Casey watermelon slices.
Monday night dancing to, "Hey, Everybody, it's Family Night!"
Bowling on Xbox

Why do the kids love rearranging Casey's face so much??  I have a pic of Kyle doing the same thing at this age.
Cami enjoys pictures on Casey's camera.
We're so grateful we could have Aunt Becca and Uncle Casey come visit!!  The kids are still talking about it!

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