Friday, August 15, 2008

On the subject of pink...

So, about that color, pink... I cannot stop thinking about it! These last two mornings have been so fun to wake up and remember again that we're having a girl. It still feels funny to say that. When Jared said our prayers that first night after we found out, he said, "Please bless our daughter..." It was so new to me! After the prayer, Jared was all smiles. Did I mention that Jared is really excited, too?
This morning, I woke up when Jared's alarm went off, 5am, and I usually have NO trouble going back to sleep, but I was just so dang excited that I couldn't! I'm surprising myself with how much fun this is already. Yesterday I went to my friend's blog (thanks Angie!) and found 4 different blogs about how to do girl's hair cute. I have already decided that I will let her have the say as to when she wants to get her ears pierced. (I got mine pierced when I was about 23 yrs. old)

Jace loves talking about, and to, his little sister. Yesterday he asked me, "Can I have the baby's cell phone number?"

"Why would you need that?"

"So I can talk to her while she's in your tummy."

He has also offered some great advice.
"Mom, don't worry about the new little boy swimsuit. It can be for the next baby, if it's a boy."

So, more babies or not, here is a profile view of our soon-to-be-daughter :) I think she has a cute nose.


  1. I am so glad you loves the girly hair blogs. They are so fun. I get tired of doing Anna's hair the same old way, so these are very fun to go to, to get new ideas.

  2. I knew it was a Girl! I'm so excited for your little family. She will be a great addition.

    Jana Sund

  3. Congrats on a baby girl, Jenny! That's super exciting! Keep us posted when you decide on a name!!

  4. Congradulations! Pink isn't the only great color. I did my girls room in pale green (lime) with pale purple. It looks so good. Just wait for all the bows and dresses. And Grandma and Granpa Martin are going to spoil her rotten! Too much fun....Yea for girl Grandbabies!


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