Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 2, Grateful Journal

  1. I am grateful for my children. 
  2. I'm grateful for Jace.  He is an incredible helper, especially on Sunday mornings with the kids in the morning rush before getting to church.  He reads long stories to them at night (during my one-on-one time with, you guessed it, the kitchen), and they love it. He even began putting Cami to bed after reading her bedtime story. He continues to excel in school, getting better on the violin, likes his teacher (even makes her laugh sometimes!), and is actively involved with his friends both in school and in our neighborhood.  Their favorites to do together are: soccer, capture the flag, wrestling, and baseball.
  3. I'm grateful for my Evan Angel, and the opportunity that I had, and continue to have, to raise him in the next life.  His laugh and stomping feet as he runs throughout the house are the most missed. I look forward to the day that I can watch him laugh again with his brothers and sister, and run with those thumping feet.
  4. I'm grateful for my Lance.  Lance has an amazing amount of energy that has been used, a lot of times, to help mom out around the house. If he had a slogan, it would say, "Get the Job Done". He does it! If there's something in the house I really want to have done, he's my man! I call him my "super duper cleaner". He is also beginning to write and read, and loves making things out of paper with drawings and scissors. Currently, he's been making tons of turkeys by tracing his hand and decorating it. I didn't know this until yesterday, when we were filling out his spotlight for Primary at church: When he grows up, he wants to be a clown because he wants to make people laugh and he wants to be in the circus.
  5. I'm grateful for Kyle.  Kyle is my cuddler. He is full of love for anyone around him. A common thing that he and I say is, "I want you, " usually followed by a cuddly hug. It began a long time ago when he was supposed to be taking a nap, but was being unhappy. I asked him, "What do you want, Kyle?" And he replied, "Mom, I want you." In the mornings, he and Cami are the best of buddies. In the afternoons, during Cami's nap, he and Lance play like they haven't seen each other in days instead of a few short Kindergarten hours. Today Lance had a friend over, and Kyle didn't mind a bit that they road his Power Wheels monster truck that he got for his birthday, and didn't mind being on his own team for "Capture the Flag", or even being the scary monster - which I objected to until he assured me that he really wanted to be the monster. If Cami is throwing a fit about something, he'll just give her what she wants. Pretty much same goes for Lance, although he does hold his own if he needs to.
  6. Cami is a joy. It is so different having a little giggly girl around. She usually has a doll in her arms. Totally and new thing to us. Unlike her mom, she loves to shop. In the stores, she seems to like all the attention she gets, like her mom :) When we're checking out, while I'm busy with the cashier, she's charming the person behind us. In the mornings, she actually lets me do her hair and likes to check it out in the mirror afterward.
 Okay, so maybe I went over the three for today, that was fun. I'll try to follow directions better tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful. I love your children too.


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