Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kyle!

Kyle receiving a gift. Look at him! I can't believe he's two! He looks like such a little boy. Where did my baby Kyle grow?

Lance lit the candles

Two can be a serious age. It's an age of a lot of experimenting and learning. Kyle contemplates this while his friends sing "Happy Birthday" to him. I don't know! We got no shots of him smiling at this moment! There must have been some serious thinking going on.

Kyle played it smart this year. He blew out the candles just before the song ended, beating his friends who were ready to help him.

Ah! Mmm! Love those Mommy-made cupcakes (Thanks, Betty Crocker!)

This must be Kyle's puzzled face. Maybe he's wondering when Christi's gonna try one of these delicious cupcakes (Thanks for taking the pictures, Christi!)


  1. Wow, 2 years old, what a cutie he is!

  2. HE IS SO CUTE! Thanks for the little get together party! It was fun!

  3. Happy Birthday Kyle!

  4. Are you kidding me Kyle is already two? How did that happen? Boy they sure grow up fast don't they?

  5. Anonymous11:35 AM

    hey! tell Kyle i say happy birthday!! Sorry we couldnt be there. But we were thinking of you guys!

  6. whoa! I can't believe he's that big already!!! Time really flies! Happy birthday little guy :)

  7. What totally cute pictures!! I wish we could have been there for the party. Missing Shoreline.

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    WOW! I didn't know your little one was 2! My little man is 19months, so just a bit younger then yours!
    Cool! I gotta talk to Sadie about not telling me anything, lol.


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