Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mom's Stars

Ah! I miss my blog! It's almost like a friend that I haven't seen in a long time. Life has just gotten a little busier lately. I cannot believe I only have 9 weeks left of this pregnancy. It's been great so far...

So, today my patriarchal blessing was once again confirmed. My children brought me great honor. It was the primary program at church, and Jace and Lance stood up there and spoke completely from memory! It was so fun to hear them practice during the week and look forward so much to this day. On the way to church they recited their parts again and their eyes danced with anticipation.

So when their turn came,

Lance said: "The Prophet holds all priesthood keys. The Lord tells the Prophet what He wants us to know. "

Jace: "In the Doctrine and Covenants Joseph Smith testifies, " And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of Him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of Him: That He lives! For we saw Him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that He is the Only Begotten of the Father- That by Him, and through Him, and of Him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God. I know that Jesus Christ lives today. He will come again. "

Kyle got a turn, too. (Finally! After all his frustration what with his brothers going up without him! He couldn't wait to run up those stairs and perform!) All the nursery children got up to sing several songs, including, "I Am a Child of God". He knows this one, but only sings a few of the words. He did a lot of smiling and looking cute, though.


  1. That is great, I love the primary programs. Ours is in 2 weeks. I wish our nursery kids were included.

  2. Our Primary Program was yesterday too! It is so much fun to see the kids sing and do their parts!

  3. Our program was also yesterday. It was Lydia's first and it was so exciting. Gdpa and Gdma even came for the special occasion. Definately a one of the great rewards of parenting.

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I am very impressed that Jace said that whole paragrah by memory!! Holy cow! I know that phrase very well, since it's in a recording in the the visitors center on temple square. I love that phrase. Congrats to all the kidos! That is amazing!

  5. Your boys all did a great job! I noticed that too. What a great mom to help them memorize their parts.:}

  6. I guess it was Primary Program day, because we also had ours yesterday. That is great that Jace memorized his part. Megyn also memorized her part which was kind of long for a 5 year old. It was fun, since she was one of the only ones that had it memorized. Anyway, you have made me realize that I should be posting about it on my blog too. Thanks for the reminder.


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