Saturday, August 02, 2008

Jace's Baptism Day

I was beaming all day today. Jace is becoming such a young man! The excitement and anticipation he had for this day has been a joy for me to share with him. When I asked him about his bishop interview, he said, " It was easier than I thought it would be." And then he said that maybe that's how his baptism will be. And he did great.

Today, when he came out of the waters of baptism, he looked up at his Dad and gave him the widest smile. That was a moment I will remember. The joy I felt! My blessing says that my children with bring me great honor. This was confirmed once again today.

Those of you who were here with us today, thank you for sharing this experience. The day couldn't have turned out better.


  1. This is your cousin Jessica. Your little family is getting so big. I can't believe that Jace is already old enough to be baptized. When will you find out if you are having a boy or a girl? Have you seen our blog spot? Emma, David and my parents (we just created one for them)all have one as well. If you log on to mine, you can click on a link to their sites. Congratulations Jace! (

  2. I am so happy for you guys. I love baptisms, there is such a sweet spirit that is felt at this special time.

  3. Congradulations Jace! Wow is he eight already! It's seems like ages since we have seen you guys. May-be can try to when we come done for the holidays.


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