Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fishin' and S'mores...

It doesn't get much better than this! We escaped to the cabin for the weekend after Memorial Day.
Jared, Jace and Lance took a trip to Strawberry Reservoir. Lance got the First Bite! Jace caught the only fish of the day! Had to be luck, he was looking to earn his Fishing Belt Loop and you have to catch one to earn it!

Kyle went with them the first attempt, but there were many rocks and sticks to be thrown into the water, resulting in NO fish, but still a good time for the boys... until they got cold... and hungry. They came home and enjoyed hotdogs cooked on the fire and...

Mmmmm! Yummy S'mores!

What could be better than that? Cami's got an idea: She's contemplating..... Zzzzzzzzzz


  1. What a great picture of Cami. I like the creative caption.

  2. Jenny,
    Thank you so much for the compliments. I am having so much fun playing around with this stuff. The program I am using is Adobe Photoshop extended version. I just got it, so it is the CS4 version. I am still trying to figure it out, but it is really fun to play with. I don't know much about any other program, or even mine, but it's fun. I remember you doing so many cute things with with your pictures and things, I am sure you know soooo much more than I! However, I would be happy to answer any questions you have if I can:)
    You kids are getting so big. THey are so cute, and I am sure you are just having a ball with that little princess. You needed one of those in your house! She is a doll!

  3. Happy Birthday Jace, it looks like you're having plenty of fun!


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