Tuesday, February 03, 2009

4 Weeks

Sweet and precious. This is the dress that my Gramma Tilton made for me. I wonder if there's any photos of me in it... Mom? It's so cute, thanks Gramma!

I caught her smiling! Today, I believe Cami began responding to my smiles. Just when I didn't think it could get any more fun! At four weeks, Cami is sleeping most the night, only to wake up once.

(By the way, Jared's still in his last 2 weeks of his Pediatrics rotation. As an extra precaution, he tries to stay away from Cami when he's home because he's been helping the sick kids at Primary Children's Hospital - children with RSV, phenomia, etc. Every 4 days, he's on call, meaning that he stays at the hospital for over 24 hours, sometimes only getting one hour of sleep. Luckily, they feed him there, and the food's great! Two more weeks...)

If I'm too tired in the morning when she wakes, she'll settle for a binkie and go back to sleep. She really is a sweet pleasure. I love watching her sleep. She's so beautiful!

Kyle waits patiently... "Oh! Let me help you with that binkie!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Oh wow! She's sooo precious! I love her! We will come visit soon. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love to read them.


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