Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More on Cami...

Cami is 7 lbs., 15.7 oz. and 19.75 inches long! Born at 1:58pm, January 6th. A Great Day (same birthday as our beloved Bishop - Happy Birthday, Bishop!)

Last night while I was in bed, I had more contractions, only they were beginning to be a little more painful. In the morning, after dropping Lance off to preschool, I went to my doctor appt. and was told that I was dilated at 4 cm and my cervix was 100% effaced, paper thin. He said he's been wrong in the past, but he thinks I will have my baby today. He told me to head to the hospital when my contractions are about 5 min. apart. Hurray! I might just know how to go into labor!

I picked Lance up from preschool a little later and, once home, began calling friends to arrange for places for my boys to be while I was in the hospital. I was on the phone with my mom when my contractions became from about every 30 minutes to 20 min. Six minutes later, I had an intense contraction, and just at the end, felt my water break.
"Oh! My water just broke! I've gotta go!" I told my mom.
I called Jared, it was 1:28pm, to tell him that my water broke. "Are you serious?" This kind of thing has never happened to us. What fun! He was at the U of U Hospital in his Pediatric rotation and left immediately. He ran home and got here about 10 minutes later. Mandy was here with me, and Kyle and Lance were having naps/quiet time.

I was in between contractions as Jared and I scrambled out to the van. I had another contraction once inside, and Jared began driving to head towards LDS hospital where we were registered to deliver. It was snowing and I remember thinking, "Darn! Jared can't drive very fast in this!" I had another contraction. As we were about to pass U of U hospital, I needed to push. "I don't think I'm going to make it. Let's go in here!" Jared pulled in to the ambulance entrance. I couldn't get out of the car. I was feeling a serious urge to push. They were bringing a wheelchair and the lady that saw me said, "We need a gurney." Jared picked me up and put me down on a gurney. It was then that I heard the two words that I most dislike hearing when I'm in labor: "Don't push!". Jared had to go park the van. I was so bummed he had to leave. I asked them if someone else could park the car. I needed Jared there. He's delivering this baby! He left and I was in the gurney, in some elevator somewhere, being told not to push by several nurses/residents around me. Jared caught up with us just as we were going in to the delivery room. Once inside, Jared could see that the baby was already starting to come out.
I asked, "Is the doctor here yet? Can I get an epidural?"
Jared was like, "Um Jenny, you're a little late for that." I laugh now, but I don't remember it being so funny then. I'm so thankful that I got a little crash course from Sherrie that day on how to focus when you are in natural labor with no pain killers!
Jared and the resident were scrambling to get their gloves on. I said I was going to push and this time they told me to go ahead, thank goodness! What a relief! I pushed and Jared welcomed her to the world, making this the second delivery of his career. It was 1:58pm. I didn't get pictures this time - the camera was still out in the car! (of course, I wouldn't have been taking them!) I just felt so grateful that she came out so easily - and at a hospital! The side of the road, in the snow, would have been really uncomfortable for her, and myself, for that matter!
So I ended up getting what I wanted: Going into labor on my own without drugs AND delivering at the hospital that I was born at! Plus a really cute little girl to top it!

First photo together - I'm still wearing the shirt I had on that day (So different from inducing and having time to put on a hospital gown!). Jared delivered her without having a chance to put on his gown either!

Check out this darling hat they gave us. The nurses knit these hats on their spare time! And me in my spunky hospital gown. It was so fun to wear pink on this special day. Thanks, Katie! I got tons of compliments on it!

This is how they found her umbilical cord. She must have been doing some flips and acrobats inside!
She's thinks, "Oooh! This is such a cute hat!"
Proud Brothers...


  1. So cool! At least you skipped all those awful minutes and hours of waiting in a hospital bed!

  2. That is so wonderful! She is a beautiful baby girl.

  3. Oh my word what a delivery. How fun that will be to tell Camille when she gets older. You will have to document that one for your family history. CONGRATS She is beautiful.

  4. She is just beautiful! Congradualtions! She is so lucky to have all those big brothers to watch out for her...

  5. I am SO happy for you! What a beautiful little girl! I am glad you got to wear your gown afterwards!

  6. What a great story! Glad she's here! Love all the pink!:} So fun. I'm excited to meet her. Congratulations!!

  7. Congratulations on your beautiful girl! What a great story to tell her as she gets older. Glad all went well. You're a stronger woman than I to be able to be posting to a blog the day after having a baby! :)

  8. Hooray! Congratulations to the Martin family. She is a wonderful, cute, new addition! I am jealous that you went into labor on your own! What a great story for Camille! Bring on the PINK!

  9. Yay! You are a GREAT story teller! Congratulations!!!


  10. She is perfect. Welcome to the world precious baby! We are so happy for you to have a little girl. Congratulations.

  11. Oh my gosh...I have read this like 10 times and I laugh everytime! Remember when I told you my mom had her 2nd "on the gurney from the car to the ER!" That is so funny. Im SO glad you had such a wonderful delivery and way to go no drugs! Keep us posted on the ongoings of the new little one!

  12. Congratulations! What an amazing story! I am so glad you went to the U to have her!

  13. So glad my rantings actually helped you! Way to go, you're awesome!


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