Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Day at the Cabin

Jared just completed his surgery rotation at the VA hospital (3 weeks) and Primary Children's Hospital (the last 3 weeks). This is pretty much what we saw from dad during the last six weeks... (Ya, Kyle! See if his nose goes, "Honk!")

Jared actually REALLY enjoyed this rotation, despite the lack of sleep. He got to do a lot of stitching up after surgeries, and he said that there were times when the surgeon was trying to find something inside, and Jared wanted to just get in there and find it himself! It was a fascinating one for him... I can't wait to find out what he decides to do.
For the next 6 weeks, Jared will be in his Psychiatry rotation, otherwise known as Psychation. (He went duck hunting this morning.)
And since Jared gets the weekends between rotations off, we decided to take a trip to our 2nd home this past weekend...


  1. oh, man! rough schedule! Good luck, Jared :) At least you're finally at the "fun" part- more hospital time and less classroom time. WOOHOO!!! you're almost done!... sorta...

  2. Becoming a doctor take so much time and energy. But you have to hand it to the doctor's wife - the one left home alone to run the house and take care of the little ones. Kudos to you both for not giving up and keeping a smile on your face through the whole endeavor.


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