Thursday, April 10, 2008

Weekend at the cabin

Kyle, Papa, and Dylan. Like most of the cousins, Kyle and Dylan are 6 months apart. They're going to be great buddies!
We spent last weekend, Conference weekend, at the cabin with Jared's family. The boys had a wonderful time playing out in the at least 1-foot-deep snow. (See? I still have some time before I absolutely need to change my header photo! There was still chunks of snow outside today!) I wish I had gotten a picture of all the boys sleeping in this room! Seven boys, ages 4 to 8, were lined up and sleeping comfortably on little makeshift beds. It was a sight! It took a little while for them to get to the sleeping part. Jared had to keep getting after the ones that kept making peeps while he was studying in the same room. Our 2 boys were the last to go to sleep! Go figure!


  1. One of these summers we need to come and go to the cabin with you guys, it would be fun.

  2. oh, man! you are so lucky! what a great time!

  3. Crystal,

    That would be great! Just let us know when!


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