Monday, April 21, 2008

Oatmeal Shower

One concern Jared had about my being called to be a Relief Society President was that the family might suffer from a too-busy mom. I found Kyle in this state just this morning after, well, I was busy doing something. Does he look like he's suffering? I think that's almost a smile on his face!

If worse comes to worst, at least he can fend for himself.


  1. Suffering isn't the word I would use. I think pleased is more like it. Kyle looks completely pleased with himself! You are a great mom Jenny and nothing is going to change that!

  2. that looks like a awfully happy kid to me... I see no suffering there!

  3. I didn't know you were called to be Relief Society President. Congrats! And I think Kyle is just celebrating with the oatmeal.


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