Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

When I was born, I spent my first 30 days of life in the NBICU at the U of U hospital. (Funny how I've ended up right smack where I started) Aside from having RH disease (my mom's negative blood was incompatible with my positive blood) I had jaundice, really bad (the nurses called me Pumpkin and Lemon). And I also had Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) which, in English, is when the gas that forms in the intestinal walls tears the tissue and causes it to bleed, causing blood to come out my bowels. The doctors thought they would have to remove part of my intestines and I would have had to live with a bag attached to me. My Dad, when telling this story, says that I was a miracle baby. There was a time when the doctors weren't sure if I was going to make it. The doctors said that NEC in the newborn result in death 50% of the time. And, in the 50% that live, half of them have to have to have part of their intestines removed. My dad, with a good friend of his, Brother Gary Kehl, gave me a blessing. After that, Dad told my Mom that I would be alright. He just knew it. I had many blood transfusions (still have scars on my heals to prove it!) and my billirubin levels (the stuff that makes you turn yellow and have jaundice) were so high that I lost some of my hearing, but that was all. I was healed.

When Evan was sick in the hospital, my dad arranged for that same Brother Gary Kehl to give Evan a blessing with him. What a neat experience! Evan was blessed and recovered from his surgeries amazingly well for what he was going through. I believe that through the priesthood blessings that he received, he was able to be with us longer and enjoy quality of life despite the multiple difficulties and surgeries that he faced. I am grateful for my Dad's testimony and example of the power in priesthood blessings.

I remember when my Dad decided to go to law school at the age of 40, that I wanted to continue my gymnastics career when we moved to Iowa (he went to Drake Law School in Des Moines). Money was tight, but my dad prioritized my desire to be in gymnastics and somehow figured out a way for me to do it. I also remember him being at many of my gymnastics and diving meets despite his busy schedule.

My Dad has been a blessing in my life. I am grateful for him and the Grampa that he is for my children.
Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!

(Dad and my little bro. Johnny - Dad is also an awesome bikerider and continues to place in bike races across the country)


  1. Wow Jenny that is a great post on your dad, I felt the spirit and i am grateful that you have such a great dad! We are so blessed to have the priesthood in our homes.


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