Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who's a Kid?

We just got back from, yet, another relaxing and glorious stay at the cabin. On the drive to the cabin, we took a vote on our predictions of the snow height compared to last week:

Jared said: about the same

Jenny said: a little less

Jace: kept changing from "about the same" to "a little less". Jared gave him a hard time for being so wishy-washy.
The winner? None of us! There was just a little bit more snow there, and it was snowing when we arrived. Jace had to recarve the tunnels he made for a little toy boat to glide down. He also made a ton more of them with his dad, and we brought the sled up this time and enjoyed some sledding. Actually, only Jared and I went down the sled. Jace wasn't into the sledding as much as wanting to work on his tunnels, and Lance said he didn't want to. What is that?? I guess Jared and I were the only real kids there!

We only got one picture this trip, wanna see it?

On our drive to the cabin, Jace asked why we've been going to the cabin so often. I told him that it's Jared's spring break (He gets a 3 week break). "Well, I like it!" he said.
Jared and Jace have different spring breaks (darn!) so we've been trying to make good use of our weekends during Jared's break. It's so nice to have a cabin just 45 min. away!

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