Friday, February 01, 2008

Grandma and Grampa Reunite

Christmas 2006
This is one of the last photos I have of G & G Schauerhamer. Aren't they so cute together?
Yesterday, at 4:37 pm the time came for Jared's grandmother, Francis Schauerhamer, to join her beloved husband in the afterlife. We will miss her.

She and Grampa have been a huge example of selfless acts and Christlike love. They have done everything they can to help anyone they knew. The cabin that our family enjoyed often was a great source of joy for them to share with others. I remember the first time I met them, when Jared had invited a group of friends from college up to the cabin (we were barely starting to date). I saw Grandma and Grampa sitting contently on the porch swing, holding hands. I hoped that when I met my husband, we would be like that when we're old and gray.

Grampa passed away last May. Since they lived in Sugarhouse, we were able to visit them often. I am so grateful that Jared and I got to visit her just hours before she left.

On Monday, the 28th, Jared and I got to visit with her while the kids played downstairs. Her room felt so peaceful. She told me I looked so pretty. She always says that! I told her she's been such an example to me. I thanked her for the many things she has done for us, and she said, with her hand thrown up in frustration, "I wish I could do more". That is so like Grandma to say. I will always remember that as one of the last things that she said. Even in her last days here, she was frustrated that she couldn't do more for us. We talked about the weather and the cabin. She told us, again, that it makes her so sad when no one is at the cabin. I assured her that we have a trip planned to go in a few weeks. That was the last conversation we had with Grandma.

When we went to visit her yesterday, she was sleeping peacefully. We shared stories that we remembered of her. Jared spoke to her of her husband, sisters, and parents that she will soon be reunited with, and he asked her to give Evan a hug for us.

I am so grateful for the knowledge that we can all be together again with our families someday. We will miss you both so much, Grandma and Grampa!


  1. that's sweet... i'm sure she's thrilled to be with her hubby!

  2. It is such a blessing to have the knowledge of being reunited with those we love. I am sure that they are happy to be together again. I know they are holding Evan tight for you.


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