Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break Monday

We did some boring stuff first so we could do the fun stuff.  After rooms were clean, we went on a short bikeride.  It is fun to only pull Cami behind me and watch Kyle working those muscles as we go up the hill.  He used to get frustrated (last week when we began bikeriding - long time ago!), but his endurance and focus seem to have improved a ton!  Hopefully mine will, too :)  Kyle has a friend a few streets over from us that have him over to play sometimes so Cami and I can sweat through some more hills and get a workout.
Later, we went... Fishing!
This is the first time I have ever taken all four kids fishing without Jared.  Our awesome neighbors, who have a son Jace's age, invited us, and the day was perfect for it.  86 degrees.
 Jace packed a bunch of cheddar cheese cubes and he caught 6 fish!  He reminisced about fishing at the cabin and using cheese as bait.  Look closer at the fish's belly.  It's yellow.  Maybe too much cheese.  I told Jace it was probably the same fish he was catching each time.
 Pays off!
 I am so grateful to our neighbors.  We probably would have just done more boring stuff today! 
I didn't want to mess with bothering Jared at work to ask him about our fishing poles that are SOMEWHERE in the huge basement downstairs (that he's been finishing this week - I'll post pics!) so I just grabbed some wooden poles and asked Jace to grab some string and we were off!  You can tell Cami was really into this fishing thing with her red pole propped so she can use her hands for more important things like Goldfish Crackers.  We took a detour during a bathroom break to enjoy the playground. But the boys couldn't get enough of this!  We'll definitely visit Des Peres Park again.
Later, Lance and Kyle got to go to their first Tae Kwon Do class and got their white belts.  Earlier this month, Lance was invited to a birthday party at the Martial Arts Academy, and one of his party favors was 2 weeks of free classes!  Plus, they said his brothers can join him!  Everyday.  Monday thru Friday.  (Cami was fine, we just did cartwheels and handstands in the other room) 
They earned their red tape, by breaking wood with their hand. 
We got home, planted some Pea seeds, and Jared later cooked some Teriyaki Elk steaks. 
Family Night Activity:  Limbo - Lance's idea.  We wanted to do something with the "Sticks" (2x4's) that the kids helped Dad unload from the car for more basement work, thus Lance's brilliant activity idea.  We played the Limbo Rock and had a little limbo party downstairs.  I forgot how fun that is.  I remember doing that on roller skates.  I wanna get some roller skates and skate around our basement before it's finished.
  Tomorrow will probably be just boring stuff.  I don't know if I can top today's excitement.

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