Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Get to Go to School Today!

Hurray, Hurray, Hurray! Kyle before his first preschool class
This is the poem we learned from Lance's Kindergartin class, and kept repeating Tuesday morning as Kyle got ready for his first day of Speech Preschool. Kyle has been wanting to go to school since his brothers began. I remember one day that I told him how much I love having him home with me and when I asked him if he loves it too, I got a, "No! I want to go to school!"
Kyle was in a Mommy and Me speech class in Utah for the last 2 months that we lived there that I absolutely loved. The teachers were phenomenal and everything they did had to do with the sounds they were working on that day.
So after contacting the school district here and going through a series of testing hearing, vision, and speech, he received a Missouri IEP (Individualized Education Program) stating that he qualified for this speech class with 3 other boys his age with similiar speech impediments. It is twice a week for an hour and a half. There are 4 students and 2 speech pathologists. They have circle time, centers, and all the regular preschool gadgets, only the focus is on articulation of speech. It is in the same school district as his brothers, so they are all on the same schedule, making things really great for mom :)
Plus, Cami loves it, too, because we go shopping instead of going home, since it's 15 minutes away. I have yet to learn about all the great stores in this neighboring town. :)

Yay for great programs!
Hurray, Hurray, Hurray!

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