Sunday, August 29, 2010

We Have a Violinist

Jace came home one day and said he wants to be in the 5th Grade Orchestra! So as soon as we could leave the kids home with Jared ( about a week and a half later), we went to the music store and rented this violin. He can already play the beginning of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!" A friend in his orchestra class taught him.
He remembered playing with his Grampa Gilland, and he also took a bit of piano lessons from his Gramma. So I had to pull this out:I made this a while back for my parent's music room. Jace is 5 years old, playing a violin duet with his Grampa Gilland, then listening to them both, then making music with his Gramma Kimmy, who is a talented pianist and teacher of many years.
Hurray for music and talent in the genes!


  1. Awesome! I played violin in 5th grade and loved it!

    Dalton has a real piano teacher (not me anymore) and he's super excited. His lessons start next week, and I think I'm as excited as he is.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    that's fun. i started playing the violin in 5th grade too. i played in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. then left it in high school... kind of wished i kept playing though.
    (or did i start in 6th grade? i forget, it's been a long time).

  3. How fun that Jace gets to learn that! It looks like you guys have had a fun summer there.


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