Sunday, August 01, 2010

Here or There?

Do you like green eggs and ham? Would you like them here or there? We might as well have been eating our eggs in a box with a fox, or elk, just to see how well that would work.
Poor "Phillip", Jared's trophy elk, named by his brother in law, when he came to visit (and bring our car, thankfully!). The neighborhood kids needed an explanation for this big animal sitting on the floor of our living room. So Grant gave them a story about finding Phillip in our backyard in Utah. A completely made up story that Jace is continuing to follow up on with his friends.
Anyway, his poor head has been sitting there since we moved here, almost 2 months ago. We couldn't decide where this cute head would fit best. Then I made matters a little more difficult by getting this awesome entertainment center free on I love it! Anyway, I needed some visual aids to make a decision, so I out came the camera. Hmm. Does he look better here? Or there?
How 'bout this spot?
We considered putting him above the fireplace, which I thought would have been perfectly cozy, but Jared was concerned about the heat from the fire getting to him. Gotta keep Phillip comfortable :)
We thought this felt a little crowded. (for Phil, of course)

Then we were lucky enough to have some good friends of ours come visit and get us a little more motivated. We were hoping to have Phillip up on the wall before our company arrived, but still hadn't come to a conclusion.
Jared showed Luke the photos we took and discussed it with him, and they came up with this idea:
Just inch the entertainment center over! I'm pleased with it, Jared's happy, the kids, of course, love it, and, finally after almost two months, I can put our living room together! I'm thinking of putting a small bookcase under Phillip. By the way, Jared makes it very clear that he didn't name him.
(Just a note: We got rid of our entertainment center before moving, and since we got here, we had the TV sitting on a bedside table that we haven't gotten to use as a bedside table since we bought it at RC Willey (obviously before I discovered craigslist) 7 years ago (our bedroom was always too small). So I quickly moved the TV over to its place.
It is so nice to use this table for what it was made for after 7 years!

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Jenny! Phillip looks fabulous there. :)


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