Sunday, July 04, 2010

I Miss This Guy

This is my Evan. Wait, Jared says he's his Evan, too (gotta love back seat readers!) All of us are missing him especially today, on his Angel Day, or Freedom Day, as we sometimes call it. Tonight, for Evan Time we went through photos that we haven't looked at in way too long. I came across this one. I think he's about 18 mo. here at our Layton home.
We also listened to a song that someone wrote about him, his brothers, Jace and Lance (they loved hearing their names), Cool Ranch Doritos, Ramen Noodles, Mom and Dad, and dancing. He loves country music, especially Shania Twain (no influence from his mother), and this song is very country :). I remember thinking it was a pretty goofy song as I listened to it with Evan while he was sick, but today it jerked tears out of me. So many funny things about him that we loved!! I cannot believe it has been 6 years.
Anyway, Kyle and Cami's name is not in the song, but Kyle gets to share Evan's name (in his middle name), and (this is a little stretch, but) Cami's doctor's name was "Evan" when she was born, overseeing Jared's catching job ;)

We live a bit too far to visit his grave, but we have sweet people taking care of it for us, and I have this sweet photo that we took on Memorial Day before we moved.

We are looking for a tree to plant here so that the kids and we can have an "Evan place" for anything we would have taken to his grave.

Ah! We miss you, Evan! Can't wait to see you again!


  1. This is beautiful. What a sweet little boy! I am so sorry for your loss but SO grateful for the plan of salvation and the eternal nature of families! Good job keeping his memory alive! :)

  2. This post makes me miss you most of all. You are a great mom and I am glad that Heavenly Father sent all of those beautiful children to you. How are you guys doing? We are good.

  3. I thought about you yesterday. I love the idea of an Evan tree in your yard! I cannot even imagine how much you miss him, but what a credit to you, to be a mother of a perfect little soul.

  4. I thought of you and your sweet family yesterday. I will always think of you on the Fourth. You are a remarkable girl Jenny. You have a unique spirit about you. Hope you are doing great in your new home!

  5. I thought about Evan yesterday. Thank goodness for eternal families :-) We sure love you guys!

  6. That was a beautiful post about your little guy. I love that picture of him. We miss you guys!

  7. You made me cry. Just thought you should know. I miss his sweet personality too. You guys are such a strength to me! Thank you for your example of a loving family. I admire your strength and your testimony!

  8. So sweet it made me cry. We sure miss you guys so so much. Please let me know if the photos did not work.


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