Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

If you watched the Rose Bowl this morning, you might have seen these folks in tiny specks of the crowd:
Jared's parents celebrated the new year this morning at the Rose Bowl, enjoying their vacation with aunt Linda (Jared's mom, Judy's sister), on the left. They are staying with her and Lon in L.A.
Meanwhile, back in Utah, we rang 2010 in at Jared's sister's house. We played games and the kids got to stay up LATE with almost all of their favorite cousins (we were missing two, well three). Cami went to bed just minutes before the celebration, but sleep was the last thing on the boys' minds. I can't believe Kyle made it to midnight without a struggle, as you can hear in the video.
It's too dark to see, but I think the sound alone establishes Kyle's point.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like everyone had a great New Year's celebration! We decided to go private after my grandparents were victims of a scam - and my site meter on my blog showed that I had people that I didn't know (from Canada) consistently checking my blog. I do feel like I have more freedom because now I know that the pictures of Courtney are only viewable to those whom I have allowed to see them. The only draw back that I can see to having a private blog is that some people don't check it regularly and if enough time goes by, their invitation expires. I don't think private blogs show when they have been updated - so that is something to think about. Anyway, I hope that answers your questions about private blogs.


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