Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Mom: "Kyle, did you poop?"
Kyle: A little annoyed, "No. It's still in my hole."
After breakfast, I heard the dishwasher running again for the 2nd time without my turning it on. A very pleased with himself Kyle exclaimed, "My bowl is getting clean!"

Kyle found a ziploc bag of Halloween candy I was trying to throw away. "Mom! This doesn't go in the garbage!"
I guess I'd better put more effort in if that's going to be successful. (He got a couple pieces of candy for that.)

And, my favorite, tonight, Jared got home from a class and began looking for the phone that was off the hook while he was trying to call. We searched the house to find our third phone. They need pagers on those for when they're off the hook. Now that I think about it, they need pagers on my keys, hearing aids, and cell phone.

The kids were in bed, but I was sure I saw a phone earlier somewhere by Kyle's room. I went in, he wasn't asleep yet. I told him I was sorry that I needed to turn the light on to look for the phone and to close his eyes. I looked around his bed, under his blanket, and said goodnights again as I told him to lay back down. I began to leave to look elsewhere. I saw him standing up as I left and told him again to lay down.

"Mom, here's your phone." And he held up one of my socks (the cute blue one with sparkling snowmen on it.)

I picked it up, and there, inside, was our long-searched-for phone. He would have slept with it all night, and we never would have found it until morning!

Little Turkey!

1 comment:

  1. funny boy. Alexis does funny things like that too now. Just love listening to 3 year olds!


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