Monday, August 24, 2009

What I Will Miss About Summer...

Aaah, what a summer. And Jace begins school tomorrow. But first, I want to reminisce about the happenings I will miss from our summer '09.
...I think she's reminiscing, too...

...Being "Bear-Laken' Ready" for summer!

Good times with good friends...
Friends in Jared's class enjoying the cabin with us...

Good laughs...

Good Fishin'




We got to visit the Draper and Oquirrh Mountain Temples during their open house. I am so grateful for such an opportunity and for grandparents that helped make it possible!
Mmm! Patriotic Fruit Pizza...
Jared took a break from his studies for the Step 2 Board Exam to enjoy a favorite tradition. He and his Dad are announcing at the Days of '47 Parade in Bountiful.

Zoo Days

Jace found this insect while at the zoo. Out of all the living things in the zoo, this seemed to be the most fascinating for him. He doesn't know what it is, so he took photos of it to further investigate.

This is "Mantee". Jace kept her as a pet for several days. His brothers helped him catch grasshoppers to feed it and were entertained by its eating habits.

Lagoon Days...
The Gateway Mall Fountains...
WATER: Jace and Lance got to take a swimming class together. At one point during a lesson, I saw Lance's face light up when he exclaimed in realization, "I can swim!"

I have concluded that my boys are all water kids just like me. Lance and Kyle had so much fun jumping off the edge at the shallow end. Jace has grown to love the diving board just like his Mom. Once he got the courage to make that first jump off, he was a natural. The second dive of his life was a forward tuck somersault (front flip). I was so proud! (He had done it on the trampoline before) I wanted to dive with him again so much on this last day in the water before school begins, but something happened that I will not miss about this summer...

I hit my toe on the bottom of the pool after jumping off the board 2 days previous. It was a little more shallow than I was expecting! It hurt a little but not like I would think it should have. My good friend, Sherrie (Thank you so much for watching my kids so I could do this!) told me to do some more cool stuff! Of course I had to. I was amazed that I could do it after so many years! I did an inward dive, reverse dive, and forward one-and-a-half somersault, pike. Woohoo! (I'm grateful that I did them without knowing that my toe had been broken, or I wouldn't have had the opportunity!) It's just a little chip of bone that needs to heal back on... 4-6 weeks and I'll be back on that board! I'll watch out for the bottom next time...

Jared's mom came and helped me at the pool after the toe incident. Why should the kids miss out? I couldn't have done it without her!

Jared's Dad helping me get the kids to bed. Jared's been gone insanely much.... it really has felt insane some of these days! He's completing his last week of a 4-week Sub-Internship at the U working hours like 5:30pm-7am. I won't miss this schedule. We just miss him and look forward to seeing him again soon...

Lance took this of Cami and I during a photo session. I will miss taking photos outside in the warm weather!
  • Late nights - no hurry to get to bed on time...
  • Relaxing mornings, no rush to hurry anywhere
  • Picnics at the park
  • Trips to the library and the excitement for the next prize from participating in their summer reading program
  • Jace helping me at the grocery store: This is a big deal. It was SO much easier to go shopping with him! He helped with everything, keeping track of kids, pushing the grocery cart in the store and, after unloading, taking it back into the store while we wait in the car...

This is the photo that inspired this post. Today, I captured Jace as he read to Lance. I was cleaning the kitchen after lunch and asked Lance to pick out some books for us to read. Rather than sitting there with his books and waiting for Mom, Lance had this awesome brother come and read to him. Ah! What are we going to do with Jace gone? It has been fun to watch the children as their relationships grew closer during the summer. So sweet. This I will miss...

1 comment:

  1. What cute, cute pics! I am sure this last year has crawled by for you with Jared being gone so much. Hang in are amazing at how well you handle everything!!!


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