Monday, July 13, 2009

When I Grow Up...

(Lance, after church in mid-June)

Oh, the endless possibilities!

In preschool last year, Lance's teacher asked me if he's really tidy at home because after helping clean up the toys, she found him lining up all the boxes of toys so they fit nicely. I had to tell her that, yes, he really is, and I don't know where he gets it from. (I'll just leave it that, you can ask my parents about my room while I lived there.)

Lance's favorite chore in the world is dusting the piano. He gets so excited when the dust has collected again. And so there it is. He doesn't want to be a policeman anymore. He says that when he grows up, he wants to be a piano cleaner. Today, I asked for help cleaning the kitchen before we went outside to play. I expected to have dishes cleared from the table, but he asked excitedly if he could sweep the floor. So I said, "No, you may not sweep the floor." J/K, how can you turn that down? When he was done, he showed me all the wonderful stuff that he had swept into the dustpan and was so pleased with himself. He said when he grows up, he wants to be a cleaner, a piano cleaner, and a sweeper.

Well, I'm glad one of us likes to clean.

Lance stands proudly by his accomplishment


  1. You lucky girl! I wish my girls liked to clean more.

  2. What a great little guy. Such a wonderful helper! He's a keeper. :)

  3. What a handsome guy!


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