Monday, April 27, 2009

Wanted: A Neighbor...

Must be able to do the following:
  • Holler out the window (from the 2nd floor) when we leave or come home, "Hello!", "Good Morning!" and "Where are you guys going?" even if you're in the middle of brushing your teeth. Those windows are too dark and quiet these days.
  • Call and ask if my boys can come play with your only son so you can "get things done" :) Never mind that it does at least that for Jenny.

  • Quote from scripture how natural my feelings are when I share my trials in life.

  • Make dinners with me and teach me quick and easy ideas. Also tell me what I can make for dinner with the ingredients that I see in my 'fridge.

  • Make an April Fool's dinner with me. Show by example how laughter brightens the day in any situation.
  • Be pregnant and due at about the same time as me so we can share the experience.

  • Help me survive the winter by letting my kids and I come hang out in your huge living room when it's too cold to play outside.
  • When you come over, exclaim to Lance, Kyle, and Jace: "Hello, my favorite people!"

  • Make cookies for us just because you love us, and you know that cookies ARE MY FAVORITE THING!

  • When my water breaks at home, be able to come right over and stay with my two napping boys so I can get to a hospital. In the mean time, explain to your sweet, inquisitive son why Jenny is laying on the carpet in pain while enduring another contraction and also while reminding Jenny to breathe! If Jenny doesn't get to the planned hospital in time, call Jenny's doctor yet again to inform him of the last minute change of hospitals. Oh, my goodness! That was crazy!

Please give me my neighbor back!

(Our housing unit is changing some of their rules. One is that they no longer let medical residents live here. Mandy, along with another resident wife that I know and love, has been evicted from her cozy, comfortable apartment. She moved her stuff, including a newborn and 5 year old, in a matter of 2 days across the playground to a smaller apt. on the 13th floor of another housing unit. Her husband was unable to help due to his very busy schedule as a resident. Neighbors came together to help Mandy with this situation. I don't think there is a woman around here that doesn't absolutely love Mandy. I think she would have made a great pioneer traveling across the plains. For me, she was, without a doubt, an answer to my prayers and worries of how to survive Jared's 3rd year of medical school.)

I miss you, Mandy!

1 comment:

  1. she moved? I guess I have a lot of catching up to do when I get back on Thursday!


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