Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My Mom got Cami this festive shirt! I think she likes it, Mom, thanks! Our family has Irish ancestors from my mom's side, so we've got to celebrate! (I think any reason to celebrate is a reason to celebrate these days!)
Jace is wearing a white shirt with just a little bit of green on it "... so I can trick people". Lance is SO excited to just be wearing green (and yellow, he said, 'cuz it's his favorite color) to preschool, Kyle will hopefully learn about the color, Green. We'll be celebrating tonight with appetizers: chips & guacomole, and main dish: Corned Beef, Cabbage, red potatoes, celery (for looks, anything else I can find that is edible and green -any ideas?), and Pistachio pudding for dessert.


  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    I love this picture, I added it to my face book and myspace pages. it's cute, I also added the Kiddie Kandids smile picture too. Love looking at your blog. You have awesome pics. Love ya. (my myspace or facebook )

  2. Fun! Well if you have food coloring most anything can be green! I got Alexis a princess crown with a clover on it. She is so excited to wear it.

  3. I love St Patrick's Day! We had green oatmeal and milk this morning!! I come from Irish ancestry too... I guess that is where all my good fortune comes from...haha!

  4. i'm making green broccoli soup and green bread bowls :)

  5. I can't believe that all of you are so festive for St. Patty's Day! I need to start making it all a big deal. Green appetizers, what could be more fun than that?


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