Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 Weeks

This afternoon, Jace and I had fun dressing Cami up. My good friend, Jeni gave us the dress. Cami still needs to grow a little more to fit into it, but I just wanted to try it on 'cuz it's so cute! I can't wait 'til it fits! Okay, I can wait...now's fun, too! So I did the dress, and Jace put the bow in her hair (Elmer's glue - it works great!)

Jace's efforts on making her smile: "You want me to what?"

I think I see one coming!

There it is!


  1. Oh that smile is the BEST!! Way to make her smile Jace. She is getting so big. I need to come see you again.

  2. Try using KY instead of glue. It comes off much eaiser! Love you Gill, cute baby.

  3. She is growing up so fast! It seems like she is adored by her older brothers. What a lucky little girl to have so many big brothers!


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