Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Who Says the Party's Over?

Lance was just about to go out the door for our walk to his first day of preschool, but hang on, Lance! We can't go without getting the Pre-Preschool Picture!

I think my little ones have grown quite tolerant of having their picture taken.

Lance is carrying on with preschool... looks like he's got a sweet, friendly girl behind him ... but wait! Why not throw in another birthday party with these fun, new preschool friends?

Look at this awesome crown his teacher made!! This is Lance's trying-not-to-smile-face he makes as the class sings "Happy Birthday" . (That's Kyle in the yellow shirt zipping by)

Don't worry about me - I'm comfortable, thanks.

Birthday treats, games, a song, and a crown... not bad for the first day of preschool! It looks like it's going to be an "Awesome" year for Lance!

...I had to throw this one in, too. We stopped by the library on our way home. What was I thinkin' to pass up a bike rack like this and expect not to stop and play?!

1 comment:

  1. i'm afraid i've been out of the loop for a while... looks like y'all have been very busy! congrats on the baby girl! wahoo!!!


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