Friday, May 30, 2008

Whoa, Baby!

It is time for an announcement: We're expecting! Even if I was trying to keep this a secret, it would be impossible. There's no denying this protruding belly. I no longer fit in my normal pants- unless I do the rubber band trick.

I went to see the doctor last Tuesday and when he checked my uterus, he said, "Whoa! You have a larger than normal uterus. We'd better make sure that's not twins." Okay, maybe he didn't say, "Whoa" but he may as well have.

So at this point, I was kind of excited (okay, and scared) because my friend from high school is due to have her 3rd the same day as me, January 12, and she just found out that she is pregnant with twins! What would be the odds of us BOTH having twins on the same day?

We looked at the ultrasound, and this is what we found:

Only one little ant (don't you think he looks like one, with the sections?) The head is the ball on the right, and the body is the one on the left. We could see his little arms and legs flittering as well as the heartbeat. I'm actually due a little earlier than I thought. Yeah! A few weeks for free! According to the size of the baby, I'm due on December 31st. Wouldn't that be a great party? Happy New Year!

It's too early to tell, but wouldn't it be neat to have a complete basketball team of 5 boys? If it is a girl, then she could play basketball, too. :)

For now, I will refer to him as a boy, since the odds seem to lean that way. This pregnancy has felt the same as any. Jared's sisters both have all boys - One with two and one with four. There are no girl grandchildren in the family. So with these statistics, I welcome your vote as to what you think we will have. Good luck! I hope your vote wins! :) We will find out in a few months!

As for my vote, I'm voting for a healthy baby. I am SO grateful that we've been blessed with good pregnancies and healthy, strong babies so far; here's to another healthy bundle of sweetness!


  1. Congrats! That is really exciting, I hope it is a girl we need more martin girls.

  2. Well, I haven't noticed any belly!
    You could have kept it a secret, but I love the announcement!

  3. Thanks! I have to tell you guys, and I didn't want to put this in the actual blog, I thought this would be a little more private -- Jace read our blog today, and tonight at bedtime he was talking about our baby before we had prayer. He was bummed that we weren't having twins. He said to Jared and I, "I know how you could have twins! Have sex two times!"

    This kid knows way too much for his own good.

  4. Congratulations Jenny and Jared!
    I'll put my plug in for a girl too. However, the reality will probably be a boy. After all they do run in the family. love you guys, Aunt Michelle

  5. oh, man! Jace is so funny! I guess I had sex one too many times?!? That comment is one for the records! Congrats!! Maybe mine will come early and we can still have them on the same day :)

  6. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see you guys. Valen still talks about Jace all the time. We are very excited!!!!!

  7. Yay! Congratulations, Jenny! I'm so excited for you! Definitely keep us posted on the updates!!

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Congratulation! Jenny & Jared. You are an amazing mom and dad.
    From Argentina

  9. Yea, Think Pink thoughts. I have loved having girls. The Martin clan wouldn't know what to do with a pink grandbaby!

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Jenny & Jared,

    Congrats! You guys make beautiful babies!! We miss you guys!

    Rand & Brandi Kingsbury
    (Brayden, Kenzie, & Corden)

  11. Anonymous11:23 AM

    CONGRATS!!! I'm soo happy for y'all!! My vote is also for a happy and healthy baby for you! Girls and boys are fun, so as long as 'he' is healthy, that's what matters most!
    Sadie & family

  12. Congrats! You have a truly beautiful family.

  13. We are so excited for you guys. Thanks for sharing the news. Like you said...boys are great...but it sure would be fun to see what a Martin girl looks like :-)

  14. This is Kayla Packer, congratulations! If you want, check out our blog


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