Tuesday, May 06, 2008

What are Little Boys Made of?

...Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails,

That's what Little Boys are made of.

Here is living proof. Lance caught this snail at Gramma Kimmy's house and took it home in a baby food jar. Perfect place for a pet snail... unless it is left unopened at the edge of the kitchen table. Jared and I were in the other room when we heard it. The snail must have slimed up the side of the jar until it's weight tipped it over. We think the lid might have been off to promote the snail's escape... and escape he did! Here he is, all in one piece, well, with a few extra pieces around him. But nonetheless, alive to tell the story.

I think we'll use peanut butter jars from now on.

1 comment:

  1. what a cool snail. He looks like an escape artist- like he's done this before. perhaps peanut butter jars would be better...


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