Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Meet "Sandy"

Jace named her. I think it was appropriate. He decided she's a girl because she laid ELEVEN eggs! We were stunned! (The rest of the eggs had already been moved- serious!) Jace caught her in California while we were there. Sandy was just on the front porch of Gramma's house and Jace had a great time capturing her. He kept her in his bug tent all the way home from CA. His friend in Vegas was fascinated, as was Jace. (We like to stay over with them on our trips to CA - They're a great family, and it makes the trip so much easier!) Once we got home, Jace kept it in the tent for a few weeks, and then we decided we'd better give Sandy a nicer home. We got back from the pet store with an aquarium, heat lamp, some sand, and a water dish. Sandy could NOT wait to be in her new home. She laid 11 eggs that night while still inside the tent. We put the tent inside the aquarium and opened the door so that Sandy could come out and into her new home as soon as she was rested from laying all those eggs! Then Jace and I carefully spooned the eggs out and into the aquarium, next to the water dish. Sandy covered them with sand. I hope they live! Wouldn't that be fun??? I have really been getting into this lizard thing. Did you know that the sex of the baby is determined by the temperature around the egg?
The eggs were born on May 21st, so 2 months from then, they should hatch. We'll let you know!


  1. dontcha just LOVE pets? cut pictures! Nice headline photo!

  2. Love your blog-I've enjoyed reading it-I didn't realize you've had one for so long! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is so much are such a fun mom to let him bring it home.

  4. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Fun, made me smile. Glad you guys are having fun with the lizard. sounds like fun having that pet.


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